
DC12V 7Ah Rechargeable Backup Battery

To power on entire system during power failure for a minimum of 4 hours.

Battery is charge during normal daily operation...

AdapTec TA

To power on FingerTec® readers with DC5V 3A for time attendance purpose.

To charge DC12V rechargeable backup battery and powered the entire system during power failure...

5V Mini UPS

Min Uninterrupted Power Supply acts as a backup battery during power interruption. Under normal circumstances, the mini-UPS is in idle state. The fingerprint reader is supplied with direct current from the adapter. The Mini-UPS will be charged automatically once the power content is depleting. It will discharge and power supply the fingerprint reader in the event of power interruption for 4 hours.

12V Mini UPS

Min Uninterrupted Power Supply acts as a backup battery during power interruption. Under normal circumstances, the mini-UPS is in idle state. The fingerprint reader is supplied with direct current from the adapter. The Mini-UPS will be charged automatically once the power content is depleting. It will discharge and power supply the fingerprint reader in the event of power interruption for 4 hours.